Celery Magic And Cardio Cocktail

Celery may not be the most exciting vegetable in the produce section,but it may just help you get
your blood pressure down.

A study published earlier this year found that taking  celery seed extract improved blood pressure levels in patients with mild or moderate hypertension.

However,studies of other types of seed extracts have shown mixed results when it comes to heart-healthy
benefits.So instead of relying on celery seed extracts,just go ahead and get all the benefits offered by eating the whole food,suggests Cleveland Clinic cardiologist.

One cup of chopped celery should provide the benefits of this unassuming veggie.
Celery contains a phytochemical called phthalides,which helps the lining of the artery walls relax,
improves blood flow,and reduces blood pressure.


Drink to your health.
Pomegranate juice may help save off heart attacks.
In a recent study at the Preventive Medicine Research.
Scientist gave eight ounces of pomegranate juice daily to a group of men and women
who had experience poor blood circulation to their hearts,a strong predictor of a future heart attack.

After three months,rates of blood flow to their tickers had improved by an average of 17%.
Credit pomegranates high levels of artery-clearing antioxidants.


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